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CrossFit combines traditional conditioning (running, rowing, biking), Powerlifting (back squats, deadlifts, bench press), Olympic Lifting (snatch and clean & jerk) and body weight movements (pull-ups, burpees, box jumps) all into one program. CrossFit is a coach-lead, group-based, strength and conditioning program focused on improving functional movement. Every hour-long class starts with a warm-up to prepare the class for movement. After the warm-up, the class will work together on a strength or skill movement. The last part of the class is a timed high-intensity conditioning workout. CrossFit is infinitely scalable and structured to allow members to meet their fitness goals regardless of where they are in their fitness journey.

Our clients see incredible results

Achieve your goals at MagMile CrossFit.

  • Day One

    Increased brain functions and boosted mood.

  • Week One

    Improved energy and better health.

  • Month One

    Increased metabolism, changes in muscle mass & overall fitness.

  • Month Three

    See-it-in-the-mirror results.

  • Month Six

    Compliments from friends/family & a healthier, more efficient heart.

  • One Year

    Increased life expectancy, better bone density and mental health.

Get started

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